Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Mountain Dew

Let grasses grow and waters flow in a free and easy way,
But give me enough of the fine old stuff that's made near Galway Bay,
And policemen all from Donegal,Sligo and Leitrim too,
Oh, we'll give them the slip and we'll take a sip
Of the rare old Mountain Dew

Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um,diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh
Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um,diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh

At the foot of the hill there's a neat little still,
Where the smoke curls up to the sky,
By the smoke and the smell you can plainly tell
That there's poitin brewin' nearby.
For it fills the air with odor rare,
That betwixt both me and you,
As home we stroll, we can take a bowl,
Or a bucket of the Mountain Dew

Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um,diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh
Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um,diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh

Now learned that men who use the pen,
Have wrote your praises high
Of the sweet poitin from Ireland green,
Distilled from wheat and rye.
Put away with your pills, it'll cure all ills,
Be ye Pagan, Christian or Jew,
So take off your coat and grease your throat
With the rare old Mountain Dew.

Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um,diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh
Hi di-diddly-idle-um, diddly-doodle-idle-um,diddly-doo-ri-diddlum-deh


The Dubliners - Mountain Dew

Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Mormon Braes

As I get doon by Strichen toon I heard a fair maid mournin'
She was makin' sair complaint for her true love ne'er returnin'

So fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes, where oft times I been cheery
Fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes for it's there I lost my dearie

There's as guid fish intae the sea as ever yet was taken
So I'll cast my net an' try again for I'm only once forsaken

So fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes, where oft times I been cheery
Fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes for it's there I lost my dearie

There's many a horse has snappert an' fa'n and risen again fu' rarely
There's many a lass has lost her lad an' gotten another right early

So fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes, where oft times I been cheery
Fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes for it's there I lost my dearie

So I'll put on my goon o' green, it's a forsaken token
An' that will let the young lads know that the bonds of love are broken

So fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes, where oft times I been cheery
Fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes for it's there I lost my dearie

So I'll gang back to Strichen toon, where I was bred an' born in
And there I'll get another fine girl, to marry me in the mornin'

So fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes, where oft times I been cheery
Fare ye weel ye Mormond Braes for it's there I lost my dearie


The Dubliners - Mormon Braes

The Dubliners - Molly Malone

In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow through streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!

A-live a-live O! A-live a-live O!
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!

She was a fishmonger and sure it was no wonder
For so were her father and mother before
And they both wheeled their barrows through streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!

A-live a-live O! A-live a-live O!
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!

She died of a fever and no one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone
Now her ghost wheels her barrow through streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!

A-live a-live O! A-live a-live O!
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!
A-live a-live O! A-live a-live O!
Crying cockles and mussels alive a-live O!


The Dubliners - Molly Malone sung by Paddy Reilly
The Dubliners - Molly Malone sung by Jim McCann

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Molly Maguires

Make way for the Molly Maguires
They're drinkers, they're liars but they're men
Make way for the Molly Maguires
You'll never see the likes of them again

Down the mines no sunlight shines
Those pits they're black as hell
In modest style they do their time
It's Paddy's prison cell
And they curse the day they've travelled far
Then drown their tears with a jar

So make way for the Molly Maguires
They're drinkers, they're liars but they're men
Make way for the Molly Maguires
You'll never see the likes of them again

Backs will break and muscles ache
Down there there's no time to dream
Of fields and farms, of womans arms
Just dig that bloody seam
Though they drain their bodies underground
Who'll dare to push them around

So make way for the Molly Maguires
They're drinkers, they're liars but they're men
Make way for the Molly Maguires
You'll never see the likes of them again

So make way for the Molly Maguires
They're drinkers, they're liars but they're men
Make way for the Molly Maguires
You'll never see the likes of them again


The Dubliners - Molly Maguires

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - McAlpine´s Fusiliers

'Twas in the year of 'thirty-nine
When the sky was full of lead
When Hitler was heading for Poland
And Paddy, for Holyhead.
Come all you pincher laddies
And you long-distance men
Don't ever work for McAlpine
For Wimpey, or John Laing
You'll stand behind a mixer
Until your skin is turned to tan
And they'll say, Good on you, Paddy
With your boat-fare in your hand.

Oh, the craic was good in Cricklewood
And they wouldn't leave the Crown
With glasses flying and Biddys crying
Sure Paddy was going to town.
Oh mother dear, I'm over here
And I'm never coming back
What keeps me here is a rake o' beer
The ladies and the craic.

As down the glen came McAlpines men with their shovels slung behind them
'Twas in the pub that they drank the sup and up in the spike you'll find them
They sweated blood and they washed down mud with pints and quarts of beer
And now we're on the road again with McAlpine's Fusiliers

I stripped to the skin with Darkie Flynn way down upon the Isle of Grain
With the horsed Face O'Toole, 'cos I knew the rule, no money if you stopped for rain.
McAlpine's God was a well filled hod, your shoulders cut to bits and seared,
And woe to he who looked for tea with McAlpine's Fusiliers

I remeber the day that Bear O'Shea fell into a concrete stairs.
What Horse Face said when he saw him dead it wasn't what the rich called prayers.
I'm a navvy short was the one retort that reached unto my ears
When the going's rough then you must be tough with McAlpine's Fusiliers

I've worked 'til the sweat nearly had me bet, with Russian, Czech and Pole.
On shuddering jams up the hydro dams or underneath the Thames in a hole.
I've grabbed it hard and I've got me cards and many a ganger's fist across me ears.
If you pride your life don't join by christ, with McAlpine's Fusiliers


The Dubliners - McAlpine´s Fusilierssung by Ronnie Drew

The Dubliners - McAlpine´s Fusiliers sung by Luke Kelly

Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Molly Bawn

Oh come all ye late fellows that follows the gun
Beware of night ramblin' by the setting of the sun.
Beware of an accident as happened of late
It was Molly Bawn Leary and sad was her fate.

She'd been gone to her uncle's when a storm it came on
She drew under a green bush the shower for to shun.
With her white apron wrapped around her he took her for
A swan
Took aim and alas it was his own Molly Bawn.

Oh young Jimmy ran homeward with his gun and his dog
Sayin' uncle, oh uncle, I have shot Molly Bawn.
I have killed that fair female, the joy of my life
For I'd always intended that she would be my wife.

Oh young Jimmy Ranlon, do not run away
Stay in your own country till your trial it comes on.
For you'll never be convicted of the shootin' of a

Well the night before Molly's funeral her ghost it did
Saying uncle, dearest uncle, let young Jimmy run clear.
It being late of an evening when he took me for a swan
Took aim and alas he killed his own Molly Bawn.

Now all the girls of this country they seem to be glad
Since the flower of Glen Ardagh, Molly Bawn she lies
Get all girls of this country, stand them into a row
Molly Bawn would shine above them like a fountain of


The Dubliners - Molly Bawn

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - The Banks of the Roses

On the Banks of the Roses me love and I sat down
And I took out me fiddle for to play me love a tune
And in the middle of the tune-o she sighed and she said
Oro Johnny, lovely Johnny don't ya leave me

When I was a young boy I heard me father say
That he'd rather see me dead and buried in the clay
Sooner than be married to any runaway
By the lovely sweet banks of the roses

On the Banks of the Roses me love and I sat down
And I took out me fiddle for to play me love a tune
And in the middle of the tune-o she sighed and she said
Oro Johnny, lovely Johnny don't ya leave me

And then I am no runaway and soon I'll let them know
That I can take a bottle or can leave it alone
And if her daddy doesn't like it he can keep his daughter at home
And young Johnny will go rovin' with some other

On the Banks of the Roses me love and I sat down
And I took out me fiddle for to play me love a tune
And in the middle of the tune-o she sighed and she said
Oro Johnny, lovely Johnny don't ya leave me

And when I get married t'will be in the month of May
When the leaves they are green and the meadows they are gay
And me and me true love we'll sit and sport and play
By the lovely sweet banks of the roses

On the Banks of the Roses me love and I sat down
And I took out me fiddle for to play me love a tune
And in the middle of the tune-o she sighed and she said
Oro Johnny, lovely Johnny don't ya leave me


The Dubliners - The Banks of the Roses

Montag, 17. Dezember 2012

Neue Konzerttermine für 2013 in Österreich!

Die Dubliners werden heuer wieder in Österreich gastieren!

Hier die bisher bekannten Daten:

September 2013
05.09.: A Wien - Metropol
06.09.: A Wien - Metropol
07.09.: A Wien - Metropol

Vielleicht sieht man sich ja!

Zu den Tourdaten!

Die perfekten Geschenke zu Weihnachten für Wild Rovers!

Sie suchen nóch das perfekte Geschenk für jemanden und dieser ist zufällig ein begeisterter Hörer von The Dubliners?

Hier werden Sie fündig werden!

Meine persönlich Empfelung: The Dubliners : The Dublin Experience / Live At Vicar Streets

In diesem Sinne schon mal schöne Festtage!

Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Matt Hyland

There was a lord who lived in this town
Who had a lovely handsome daughter
She was courted by a fine young man
Who was a servant to her father
And when her parents came to know
They swore they'd ban him from the island
The maid she swore
That her heart would break
Had she to part with young Matt Hyland
So straight away to her love she goes
Into his room to awake him
Say: 'Arise my love and go away
This very night you will be taken
I overheard my parents say
In spite of me they will transport you
So arise my love and go away
I wished to God I'd gone before you'
They both sat down upon the bed
Just for the sight of one half hour
And not a word by either said
As down their cheeks the tears did shower
She laid her head upon his breast
Around his neck her arms entwined him
Not a duke nor lord nor an earl I'll wed
I'll wait for you my own Matt Hyland
The lord is caused with his daughter fair
One night alone in her bed chamber
Saying: 'We'll give you leave
For to bring him back
Since there's no one can win your favour'
She wrote a letter then in haste
Her heart for him was still repining
They brought him back, to the church they went
And made a lord of young Matt Hyland


The Dubliners - Matt Hyland

Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Marino Casino

No lyrics!


The Dubliners - Marino Casino

The Dubliners - Many Young Men of Twenty

Many young man of twenty said goodbye
All that long day
From break of dawn until the sun was high
Many young man of twenty said goodbye

My boy Jimmy went that day
On the big ship sailed away
Sailed away and left me here to die
Many young man of twenty said goodbye

I met my love upon the mountain Rim
The day he left
I new I bore a living child of him
I new I bore a living child of him

And the child was born to me
Jimmy's gone across the sea
Jimmy's gone and here alone am I
Many young man of twenty said goodbye

My Jimmy said he'd sailed across the sea
He swore his oaths
He'd sail back home one day and marry me
He'd sail back home one day and marry me

But my Jimmy let me down
Now they mock me in the town
Oh my Jimmy please come back to me
Oh my Jimmy please come back to me

Many young man of twenty said goodbye
All that long day
From break of dawn until the sun was high
Many young man of twenty said goodbye

They left the mountains and the glens
The lasses and the fine young men
I saw the tears of every girl and boy
Many young man of twenty said goodbye


The Dubliners - Many Young Men of Twenty

The Dubliners - Nora

Oh the violets were scenting the woods, Nora
Displaying their charm to the bee
When I first said I loved only you, Nora
And you said you loved only me

The chestnut blooms gleamed through the glade, Nora
A robin sang loud from a tree
When I first said I loved only you, Nora
And you said you loved only me

The golden-robed daffodils shone, Nora
And danced in the breeze on the lea
When I first said I loved only you, Nora
And you said you loved only me

The trees, birds and bees sang a song, Nora
Of happier transports to be
When I first said I loved only you, Nora
And you said you loved only me

Our dreams they have never come true, Nora
Our hopes they were never to be
Since I first said I loved only you, Nora
And you said you loved only me
Since I first said I loved only you, Nora
And you said you loved only me


The Dubliners - Nora

Samstag, 8. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Maloney wants a drink

When Eve was in the garden, Adam climbed an apple tree,
He went aloft up to the top, to see what he could see.
He gazed in awe of what he saw, it made the poor man grieve.
For Patrick John Maloney stood there, whispering to Eve...
"Ah kiss me love, and miss me love
And dry your bitter tears.
My loving you'll remember now
For many, many years.
Be happy love, be satisfied, I left you in the pink.
There's many a man that wants a bride.
Maloney wants a drink."
Salome danced for Paddy, taking off her seven veils.
Salome said, "Maloney, that's a trick that never fails."
Malone put Salome's oily clothing in a sack.
"I'll run along now to the pawn, and bring your bundle back."
"Ah kiss me love, and miss me love
And dry your bitter tears.

My loving you'll remember now
For many, many years.
Be happy love, be satisfied, I left you in the pink.
There's many a man that wants a bride.
Maloney wants a drink."
From London to Nebraska, and from Glasgow to Hong Kong,
From Cardiff to Alaska, from Peking to Saigon,
Wherever girls are lonely, I know that in his role,
It's there you'll find Maloney, a waiting to console...
"Ah kiss me love, and miss me love
And dry your bitter tears.
My loving you'll remember now
For many, many years.
Be happy love, be satisfied, I left you in the pink.
There's many a man that wants a bride.
Maloney wants a drink."


The Dubliners - Maloney wants a drink

The Dubliners - Zoological Gardens

Oh thunder and lightning is no lark
When Dublin city is in the dark
So if you've any money go up to the park
And view the zoological gardens

We went out there to see the zoo
We saw the lion and the kangaroo
There was he-males and she-males of every hue
Up in the zoological gardens

We went out there by Castleknock
Says she to me "Sure we'll court on the lock"
Then I knew she was one of the rare old stock
From outside the zoological gardens

Oh, thunder and lightning is no lark
When Dublin city is in the dark
So if you've any money go up to the park
And view the zoological gardens

We went out there on our honeymoon
Says she to me "If you don't come soon
I'll have to get in with the hairy baboons"
Up in the zoological garden

Says she to me "It's seven o'clock
And it's time for me to be changin' me frock
For I long to see the old cockatoo"
Up in the zoological garden

Says she to me "Me lovely Jack
Sure I'd love a ride on the elephant's back
If you don't get out that I'll give you such a smack
Up in the zoological garden

Well, thunder and lightning is no lark
When Dublin city is in the dark
So if you've any money go up to the park
And view the zoological gardens


The Dubliners - Zoological Gardens

The Dubliners - Maids When You´re Young Never Wed an Old Man

Because he's got no faloorum, faliddle aye oorum
He's got no faloorum, faliddle dal day
He's got no faloorum, he's lost his ding-doorum
So maids when you're young never wed an old man
Well an old man came courting me, hey ding-doorum dow
An old man came courting me, me being young
An old man came courting me, fain he would marry me
Maids when you're young never wed an old man

Because he's got no faloorum, faliddle aye oorum
He's got no faloorum, faliddle dal day
He's got no faloorum, he's lost his ding-doorum
So maids when you're young never wed an old man

When we went to church, hey ding-doorum dow
When we went to church, me being young
When we went to church, he left me in the lurch
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
Because he's got no faloorum, faliddle aye oorum
He's got no faloorum, faliddle dal day
He's got no faloorum, he's lost his ding-doorum
So maids when you're young never wed an old man

When we went to bed, hey ding-doorum dow
When we went to bed, me being young
When we went to bed, he lay like he was dead
Maids when you're young never wed an old man
Because he's got no faloorum, faliddle aye oorum
He's got no faloorum, faliddle dal day
He's got no faloorum, he's lost his ding-doorum
So maids when you're young never wed an old man

So I threw me leg over him, hey ding-doorum dow
I flung my leg over him, me being young
I threw me leg over him, damn well near smullered him
Maids when you`re young never wed an old man

Because he's got no faloorum, faliddle aye oorum
He's got no faloorum, faliddle dal day
He's got no faloorum, he's lost his ding-doorum
So maids when you're young never wed an old man

When he went to sleep, hey ding-doorum dow
When he went to sleep, me being young
When he went to sleep, out of bed I did creep
Into the arms of a handsome young man

And I found his faloorum, faliddle aye oorum
I found his faloorum, faliddle aye ay
I found his faloorum, he got my ding-doorum
So maids when you're young never wed an old man

mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Maids When You're Young Never Wed An Old Man

The Dubliners - Maids When You´re Young Never Wed an Old Man

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe

Come, all you lads and lassies, and listen to me a while
I'll sing to you a verse or two that will surely make you smile
Concerning a young man I'm going to tell you now
Who has lately came a-courtin' the maid of the sweet brown knowe

This young man says, "My pretty maid, will you come along with me?
We'll both fly off together, and happy we will be
We'll join our hands in wedlock bands as I'm speaking with you now
And I'll do my best endeavor for the maid of the sweet brown knowe"

This fair and fickle young thing, she knew not what to say
Her eyes did shine like diamonds bright and merrily did play
She says, "Young man, your love's subdued, for I'm not ready now
And I'll spend another season at the foot of the sweet brown knowe

The young man said: "My pretty maid, how can you answer so?
See down in yonder valley where my crops do gently grow
Down in yonder valley I have horses, men and plow
And they`re at the daily labor for the maid of the sweet brown knowe"

"If they're at their daily labor, kind sir, 't is not for me
I've heard of your behavior, I have indeed," said she
"There is an inn where you call in, I've heard the people say
And you rap and you call and you pay for all and go home at the break of day

"If I rap and I call and I pay for all, the money it is my own
And I'll never spend your fortune, for I hear that you got none
You thought you had my poor heart won, by meeting with me now
But I'll leave you where I found you: At the foot of the sweet brown knowe"


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Maid Of The Sweet Brown Knowe

The Dubliners - Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Lowlands of Holland

The love that I have chosen I'll therewith be content
And the salt sea shall be frozen before that I repent
Repent it shall I never until the day I dee
But the lowlands of Holland has twined my love and me.

My love lies in the salt sea and I am on the side
It's enough to break a young thing's heart what lately was a bride.
But lately was a bonny bride with pleasure in her e'e.
But the lowlands of Holland has twined my love and me.

My love he built a bonny ship and set her on the sea
With seven score good mariners to bear her company.
But there's three score of them is sunk and three score dead at sea
And the lowlands of Holland has twined my love and me.

My love has built another ship and set her on the main
And nane but twenty mariners all for to bring her hame.
But the weary wind began to rise, the sea began to roll
And my love then and his bonny ship turned withershins about.

Then shall neither quiff come on my head nor comb come in my hair
And shall neither coal nor candlelight shine in my bower mair.
And neither will I marry until the day I dee
For I never had a love but one and he's drowned in the sea.

"Oh hold your tongue my daughter dear, be still and be content.
There's men enough in Galloway; you need not sore lament."
Oh there's men enough in Galloway, alas there's none for me
For I never had a love but one and he's drowned in the sea.


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - The Lowlands Of Holland

The Dubliners - Lowlands of Holland

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Love is Pleasing

I wish, I wish, I wish in vain
I wish I was a youth again
But a youth again I can never be
Till apples grow on an ivy tree

I left me father, I left me mother
I left all my sisters and brothers too
I left all my friends and my own religion
I left them all for to follow you

But the sweetest apple is the soonest rotten
And the hottest love is the soonest cold
And what can't be cured love must be endured love
And now I am bound for Americay

And love is pleasin' and love is teasin'
And love is a pleasure when first it's new
But as it grows older sure the love grows colder
And it fades away like the morning dew

For love and porter makes a young man older
And love and whiskey makes him old and grey
And what can't be cured love must be endured love
And now I am bound for Americay


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Love Is Pleasing

The Dubliners - Love is Pleasing

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Lord of the Dance

Dance Dance wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance said he
And I lead you all wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance said he

I danced in the morning when the world was young
I danced in the moon, and the stars, and the sun
I came down from Heaven and I danced on the Earth
At Bethlahem I had my birth

Dance Dance wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance said he
And I lead you all wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance said he

I danced for the scirbes and the pharasies
They wouldn't dance, they wouldn't follow me
I danced for the fisherman James and John
They came with me so the dance went on

Dance Dance wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance said he
And I lead you all wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance said he

I danced on the sabbath and I cured the lame
The holy people said it was a shame
They ripped they stripped they hung me high
Left me there on the cross to die

Dance Dance wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance said he
And I lead you all wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance said he

I danced on a friday when the world turned black
It's hard to dance with the devil on your back
They buried my body they thought I was gone
But I am the dance, and the dance goes on

Dance Dance wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance said he
And I lead you all wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance said he

They cut me down and they left up high
I am the life that will never ever die
I live in you if you live in me
I am the Lord of the dance, said he

mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Lord Of The Dance

The Dubliners - Lord of the Dance

The Dubliners - Lord Inchiquin

No lyrics!


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Lord Inchiquin

The Dubliners - Lord Inchiquin

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Liverpool Lou

Oh Liverpool Lou, lovely Liverpool Lou
Why don't you behave, love, like the other girls do?
Why must my poor heart be following you
Stay home and love me, my Liverpool Lou

When I go a-walking, I hear people talking
Schoolchildren playing, I know what they're saying
They're saying you'll grieve me, that you will deceive me
Some morning you'll leave me all packed up and gone

Oh Liverpool Lou, lovely Liverpool Lou
Why don't you behave, love, like the other girls do?
Why must my poor heart be following you
Stay home and love me, my Liverpool Lou

The sound from the river keep telling me ever
That I should forget you like I'd never met you
Tell me their song, love, was never more wrong love
Say I belong love to my Liverpool Lou

Oh Liverpool Lou, lovely Liverpool Lou
Why don't you behave, love, like the other girls do?
Why must my poor heart be following you
Stay home and love me, my Liverpool Lou


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Liverpool Lou

The Dubliners - Liverpool Lou

The Dubliners - Limerick Rake

I am a young fellow that's easy and bold,
In Castletown conners I'm very well known.
In Newcastle West I spent many a note,
With Kitty and Judy and Mary.
My parents rebuked me for being such a rake,
And for spending my time in such frolicsome ways,
I ne'er could forget the good nature of Jane,
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé.

My parents had reared me to shake and to mow,
To plough and to harrow, to reap and to sow.
Me heart being too airy to drop it so low,
I set out on high speculation.
On paper and parchment they taught me to write,
In euclid and grammar they opened my eyes,
And in multiplication in truth I was bright,
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé.

If You've chance for to go to the town of Rathkeale,
The girls all round me do flock on the square.
Now some offer me apples and others sweet cakes,
and treats me unknown to their parents,
There is one from Askeaton and one from the Pike,
And another from Arda, my heart was beguiled,
Tho' being from the mountains her stockings are white,
and I'd love to be tightenin' her garters.

Now to quarrel for riches I ne'er was inclined,
For the greatest of misers must leave them behind.
But I'll purchase a cow that will never run dry,
And I'll milk her by twisting her horn.
John Damer of Shronel had plenty of gold,
And Lord Devonshire's treasure is twenty times more,
But should'em laid on their back among nettles and stones,
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé.

This old cow can be milked without clover or grass,
She's be pampered with corn, sweet corn and hops.
She'll be warm,s he`ll be stout, she`ll be free in her paps,
And she'll milk without spancil or halter.
And the man that will drink it will cock his caubeen,
And if anyone laughs well have be wigs on the green,
And the feeble old hag will get supple and free,
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé.

There's some say I'm foolish and more say I'm wise,
But being fond of the women I think is no crime,
Sure the son of King David had ten hundred wives,
And his wisdom was highly regarded.
I'll take a good garden and live at my ease,
And each woman and child could partake of the same,
If there be war in the cabin, themselves they could blame,
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé.

But now for the future I think I`ll get wise,
And I'll marry all those women who acted so kind,
Aye I'll marry them all on the morrow by and by,
If the clergy agreed to the bargain.
And when I'll be old and my soul be at rest,
all those children and wives they could cry at my wake,
And they all gathers round and they offers their prayers,
To the Lord for the soul of their father.


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Limerick Rake

The Dubliners - Limerick Rake

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012

The Dubliners - Leaving Nancy

In comes the train and the whole platform shakes
It stops with a shudder and a screaming of brakes
The parting has come and my weary soul aches
I'm leaving my Nancy, oh

But you stand there so calmly determinedly gay
You talk of the weather and events of the day
And your eyes tell me all that your tongue doesn't say
Goodbye my Nancy, oh

And come a little closer
Put your head upon my shoulder
And let me hold you one last time
Before the whistle blows

My suitcase is lifted and stowed on the train
And a thousand regrets whirl around in my brain
The ache in my heart is a black sea of pain
I'm leaving my Nancy, oh

But you stand there beside me so lovely to see
The grip of your hand is an unspoken plea
You're not fooling yourself and you're not fooling me
Goodbye my Nancy, oh

And come a little closer
Put your head upon my shoulder
And let me hold you one last time
Before the whistle blows

But our time has run out and the whistle has blown
Here I must leave you standing alone
We had so little time and now the time's gone
Goodbye my Nancy, oh

And as the train starts gently to roll
And as I lean out to wave and to call
I see the first tears trickle and fall
Goodbye my Nancy, oh

And come a little closer
Put your head upon my shoulder
And let me hold you one last time
Before the whistle blows
And let me hold you one last time
Before the whistle blows


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Leaving Nancy

The Dubliners - Leaving Nancy

The Dubliners - Kelly, the Boy from Killan

What's the news, what's the news, oh, me bold Shelmalier
With your long-barrelled gun, of the sea
Say, what wind from the south blows your messenger here
With this hymn of the dawn for the free
"Goodly news, goodly news, do I bring, youth of Forth
Goodly news shall you hear, Bargy man
For the boys march at dawn from the south to the north
Led by Kelly, the boy from Killan"

Tell me who is the giant with the gold curling hair
He who strides at the head of your band
Seven feet is his height, with some inches to spare
And he looks like a king in command
"Ah, me boys, that's the pride of the bold Shelmaliers
Amongst our greatest of heroes, a man
So fling your beavers aloft and give three ringing cheers
For John Kelly, the boy from Killan"

Enniscorthy's in flames and old Wexford is won
And tomorrow the Barrow we cross
On a hill o'er the town we have planted a gun
That will batter the gateway to Ross
All the Forth men and Bargy men march over the heath
With brave Harvey to lead in the van
But the foremost of all in that grim gap of death
Will be Kelly, the boy from Killan

But the gold sun of freedom grew darkened at Ross
And it set by the Slaney's red waves
And poor Wexford, stript naked, hung high on a cross
With her heart pierced by traitors and knaves
Glory-o, glory-o to the brave men who died
For the cause of long-down-trodden man
Glory-o to mount Leinster's own darling and pride
Dauntless Kelly, the boy from Killan


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Kelly The Boy From Killan

The Dubliners - Kelly, the Boy from Killan

The Dubliners - Johnston's Motorcar

'Twas down by Brannigan's Corner, one morning I did stray
I met a fellow rebel, and to me he did say
"We've orders from the captain to assemble at Dunbar
But how are we to get there, without a motor car?"

"Oh, Barney dear, be of good cheer, I'll tell you what we'll do
The specials they are plentiful, the I.R.A. are few
We'll send a wire to Johnson to meet us at Stranlar
And we'll give the boys a bloody good ride in Johnson's Motor Car

When doctor Johnson heard the news he soon put on his shoes
He says this is an urgent case, there is no time to lose
He then put on his castor hat and on his breast a star
You could hear the din all through Glenfin of Johnson's Motor Car

But when he got to the railway bridge, some rebels he saw there
Old Johnson knew the game was up, for at him they did stare
He said "I have a permit, to travel near and far"
"To hell with your English permit, we want your motor car"

"What will my local brethren think, when they hear the news
My car it has been commandeered, by the rebels at Dunluce"
"We'll give you a receipt for it, all signed by Captain Barr
And when Ireland gets her freedom, boy, you'll get your motor car"

Well we put that car in motion and filled it to the brim
With guns and bayonets shining which made old Johnson grim
And Barney hoisted a Sínn Fein flag, and it fluttered like a star
And we gave three cheers for the I.R.A. and Johnson's Motor Car


mp3-Download: The Dubliners - Johnston's Motorcar

The Dubliners - Johnston's Motorcar